Meet Alex Barr!

Dare to Birth

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Learn more about Dare to Birth creator, Alex Barr!

Q: Why are you a birthworker?

A: I’m a birthworker because I love to walk with families through this phase in their lives. I was once a first time parent and I saw the gaps in compassion, support, and education. And now, I want to make sure Dare to Birth can reach as many families as we can!

Q: What are some of your other passions?

A: I’m passionate about advocacy, birth justice, and creating and consuming art of all kinds! (Music, painting, writing, crafting, and reading). I also adore being a parent and creating a safe and cozy home for my kid to thrive.

Q: What inspired you to teach Dare to Birth?

A: When I looked at other childbirth curriculums I didn’t find any that fit me. I felt they were missing certain aspects I found to be super important. I wanted to create something that shared all the paths birth and parenting could take, something that didn’t ignore postpartum, and something that could grow and change with the amazing educators who teach it.

Q: What's one piece of advice you'd like to share with expecting parents?

A: You are the right parent for your baby! Take a breath and trust yourself.

Q: What's one baby item you recommend to everyone?

A: Literally any clothing made out of bamboo! That stuff lasts forever and stretches when your baby grows!

Q: Is there a motto or philosophy that guides your life? How did you come to adopt it?

A: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” My life is full of love and sweetness because I put my heart into every endeavor, every birth, every class, every interaction. I was once scared to do that but now I’ll never go back.

Q: What is something we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

A: I’ve lived a lot of lives in my 30 years! I’ve bartended, sold appliances, served ice cream, was a personal trainer, and so much more. It wasn’t until I found birthwork that I settled into a  path.

Q: If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

A: Fleetwood Mac’s - Rumors

Q: If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

A: Big Fish or Shrek (lolol)

Q: If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

A: I could never, ever pick one!

Alex is a Phoenix-based birth advocate, and Birthing Advocacy Certified Childbirth Educator and Full Spectrum Doula, who’s disrupting the negative narrative around birth and empowering pregnant people to trust their intuition and advocate for a more positive and informed pregnancy, birth, and fourth trimester. Learn more about Alex's doula services here.

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