Debunking Common Myths about Childbirth: Separating Fact from Fiction

Emmy Howard

Marketing Director, Birth Doula, & Childbirth Educator
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When it comes to childbirth, myths are everywhere, often sounding more like unicorns and fairy tales than reality. While fantasy might be fun, data and real-life experiences tell a different story. Let’s break down some of the most common childbirth myths and discover the facts, leaving the unicorns behind where they belong—in the realm of fantasy!

Fiction 1: You should stay silent and serene during labor.

Fact: Let that primal roar out!

Some people think childbirth should be all “breathe in, breathe out” like a yoga class. While breathing techniques can help, it’s okay to shout, scream, swear, or even laugh if you feel like it. There’s no "right" way to give birth when it comes to expressing yourself. So, let it out—whatever “it” is!

Fiction 2: Bigger babies mean more painful births.

Fact: It’s not all about size!

While it's true that a bigger baby might sound intimidating, the size of your baby doesn’t automatically mean you’re in for a harder birth. Factors like your baby’s position and your body’s unique abilities play a much bigger role in how things go. So, don’t panic if your ultrasound predicts a “big baby" those weight predictions are just that, guesses!

Fiction 3: Your water will break dramatically, just like in the movies.

Fact: Reality is far less dramatic.

In movies, the water breaks and suddenly it's go time! But in real life, only about 10-15% of labor starts this way. Your water can break at any time during labor, and it’s more likely to be a subtle trickle rather than a dramatic gush. Don’t wait for a big splash to signal the start of labor.

Fiction 4: Epidurals are for "wimps."

Fact: Epidurals are tools to be utilized if needed

Choosing an epidural doesn’t make you weak or less than. Whether you decide on an unmedicated or medicated birth, it’s your body and your choice. The real strength comes from bringing a new life into the world, no matter how you do it!

Fiction 5: The birth plan is unchangeable.

Fact: Think of your birth plan as a way to research the birth you want and a flexible guide.

Having a birth plan is fantastic, but childbirth can be unpredictable. Things may not go exactly according to plan, and that’s okay! Your birth plan should be flexible, allowing room for adjustments if needed. The important part is focusing on what’s best for you and the baby at that moment.

At the end of the day, the only rule in childbirth is that there are no rules—every experience is different. Whether your baby arrives via water birth, a surgical birth, or an unexpected Uber ride, the most important thing is that you know your choices and feel ready to advocate for your birth!

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