Meet Emmy Howard!

Dare to Birth

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Learn more about our Marketing Director, Emmy Howard!

Q: Why are you a birthworker?

A: I’m a birthworker because I am deeply committed to supporting families during one of the most transformative events of their lives. The process of bringing a new life into the world is profound and personal, and I believe in providing compassionate, informed, and empathetic support throughout this journey. Being a birthworker allows me to be present for families, offering guidance, reassurance, and advocacy as they navigate the complexities and joys of childbirth. It’s incredibly rewarding to help create a positive and empowering experience for both the birthing person and their loved ones.

Q: What are some of your other passions?

A: I’m passionate about animation, disability rights, and the thrill of winning at board games, with a special love for dancing with joy and spending time with my family. My greatest joy comes from creating experiences where people feel truly loved and seen.

Q: What inspired you to teach Dare to Birth?

A: My inspiration to teach Dare to Birth stems from my deep commitment to creating empowering and transformative experiences for families. The Dare to Birth curriculum enables people to see themselves through the process of and how they will navigate into parenthood. My passion for Dare to Birth is what led me to become the Marketing Director. This education platform not only aligns with my values as a birth worker but also ensures that everyone hears about how incredible it is for both families and the educators who work with Dare to Birth.

Q: What's one piece of advice you'd like to share with expecting parents?

A: Birth is something you don't get a do-over on. Invest in education. Pick a team that will have your back no matter what.  You've got this <3

Q: What's one baby item you recommend to everyone?

A: Playpen that can also be a bassinet and changing station. We took ours all over the house and all over the world.

Q: Is there a motto or philosophy that guides your life? How did you come to adopt I it?

A: "Do no harm. Take no shit." I encountered this phrase while coming into my own. I realized that the best thing I could do is work on myself to ensure I don’t harm others and to be a barrier against harm for those around me.

Q: What is something we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

A: I'm OBSESSED with Celebrity Gossip and Internet Drama.

Q: If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

A: Somewhere More Familiar- Sister Hazel

Q: If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

A: The Batman (2022)

Q: If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

A: Untamed by Glennon O Doyle

Emmy Howard is our Marketing Director, and is also a trained Birth Doula and Educator who strives to serve marginalized and unorthodox communities. She has a passion for advocacy, birth justice and all nerd properties. On her days off she is a kid wrangler and trophy wife. To learn more you can follow her on Instagram!

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