Meet Lauren Gallen

Dare to Birth

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Learn more about our Educator, Lauren Gallen! Located in St. Louis, MO.

Q: Why are you a birthworker?

A: I've seen so many people around me struggle with difficult birth experiences and trauma. I want to make sure people understand their options and feel empowered to make decisions based on their values/needs.

Q: What are some of your other passions?

A: Reading, tennis, live music - I used to play piano and am trying to get back into it...but it's going SLOWLY

Q: What inspired you to teach Dare to Birth?

A: I love the inclusivity of DTB and really connect with the philosophy of arming people with information and teaching them to advocate for the birth they want. Plus, the team is pretty freaking cool!

Q: What's one piece of advice you'd like to share with expecting parents?

A: Lean on your village! You are not on your own and people want to help, but often aren't sure how

Q: What's one baby item you recommend to everyone?

A: Find a hands free carrier that you feel comfortable putting on and feel secure with. One size does not fit all.

Q: Is there a motto or philosophy that guides your life? How did you come to adopt it?

A: The old standard: "ask for forgiveness not permission" - I try to do things with good intentions and for the right reasons and sometimes that means bucking the system.

Q: What is something we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

A: That I'm a big time sports girlie - follow all my local teams, active in a fantasy football league, watch and play tennis, obsessed with the Olympics, etc.

Q: If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

A: The Time Traveler's Life - I connected to it the first time and notice new things each time I dive into it.

Lauren Gallen (she/her) is a trained birth and postpartum doula and educator. She is passionate about birthing advocacy and empowering birthers to take charge of their birth experience and beyond. Lauren believes that birthers are woefully under cared for in society and hopes to provide the tools and community you deserve.

Birth BRAVE and confident

Ready to start advocating for you, your body, and your baby? Explore fun, inclusive classes equipping you to know your options and feel confident making decisions in any moment.